Service Design Methods Card Deck

48 hours to try designing a service, with help from industry experts, for the Global Service Jam NYC 2017

Participant, mentor, content designer, with visual design by Katya Rosonova

organization website

After participating on a team for two years, I came back to support organizers to serve the growing audience. In order to stabilize the variety of mentorship styles and give participants more immediate access to design methods, the organizing team curated the essential techniques every participant should try, and packaged it in a medium that they could use after the scaffolding of the jam came down.

Organizers continued to print and distribute the deck outside of the jam, and they always ran out of card decks when they were offered. If you ever used one, get in touch, Iā€™d love to hear about your experience.

How did this project come to be?

What was the outcome?